
Listening Exercise


Link to questions online:  

      Mrs. Lee: Excuse me, Katherine.  Is this your umbrella? 

Katherine: Let me see. No, it's not.

Mrs. Lee: Maybe it's Alice's umbrella.

Katherine: No, her umbrella is different. Oh, I know. 
I think it's Daniel's.

Mrs. Lee: Daniel, is this your umbrella?

Daniel: Yes, it is. Thank you. Actually, it's my daughter's umbrella !!!

Listening Exercise


Link to questions online:

Mr. Brown: Thanks for watching the baby tonight. Everything is ready.

Katherine: Thank you, Mr. Brown. By the way, where is the television?

Mr. Brown: I don't know ... Oh, it's on the sofa, under the cushion.

Katherine: Great. Oh, just one more question. Where is the baby?

Mr. Brown: She's in bed! Her bedroom is right there.



Listening Exercise


Link to questions online:

     Mark: Where are you from, Laura?

     Laura: Well, my whole family is in the United States now, but we're from Costa Rica originally.

     Mark: Oh, so you're from South America.

     Laura: Actually, Costa Rica isn't in South America. It's in Central America.

     Mark: Oh, right. My geography isn't very good !!!



Listening Exercise


Link to questions online:

Laura: How about you, Mark? Where are you from?

Mark: Guess. But I'm not from the United States. 

Laura: Oh, then are you from England?

Mark: No, I'm not.

Laura: Maybe Canada. Are you from Canada?

Mark: No, I'm not from Canada. Actually, I'm from New Zealand.

Laura: New Zealand? New Zealand is in the Pacific, right?

Mark: Yes, it's near Australia.

Laura: Oh, yes. New Zealand. The kiwi fruit is from there.

Mark: That's right.




Listening Exercise


Link to questions online:

    Tracy: Hello?

    Michael: Hi, Tracy. This is Michael. Is Jennifer there.

    Tracy: I'm sorry, Michael, she's at her parents' house. She's having dinner with them. Do you want to leave her a message?

    Michael: Oh, I'm not sure. It's a little complicated. 

    Tracy: I have an idea. I'm going out now. So call again and leave her a message on the machine.

    Michael: That's a good idea.

    Tracy: And don't worry, I'm not going to listen to it.

    Michael: Thanks, Tracy. You're a real pal.



Listening Exercise

    Link to questions online:
    Brian: Diane Grant? I haven't seen you for ages !!
    Diane: Brian !! How have you been?
    Brian: Pretty good. Say, you've really changed !!
    Diane: Oh, well, I've lost some weight. And my hair is longer than before. 
    Brian: Well, you look great !! How are you?
    Diane: I'm doing really well. I got married about three years ago. I have two kids now.
    Brian: That's terrific !!

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